
Jining Shantui New Power Import and Export Co., Ltd.


What Cummins diesel engine flameout own reasons?

Source:山推新動力服務部 Published:2014-05-12 09:57:49 Hits:

Cummins engine flameout themselves into four cases, including: diesel engine flameout during relaxation of the accelerator pedal; shortly after the engine starts running again stalled; diesel engine suddenly stalled traffic; traffic in the diesel engine gradually slow down, slow flame. Put the following four reasons flameout as follows:

1, when the accelerator pedal diesel engine flameout relax.

Mainly due to the throttle actuator card, the resistance movement is too large, idle adjustment screw loosening and other reasons.

2, Cummins diesel engine flameout start running soon.

The main reason is due to the oil not sealed, require detailed examination of the oil seal problems, causing the engine to prevent damage.

3, in the driving, the diesel engine suddenly stalled.

The main reason is the fuel pump failure suddenly stop oil (if it is not accompanied by anomalies), or a mechanical crank linkage mechanism jammed (with abnormal noise), can not rotate the crankshaft connecting rod mechanism.

Fuel pump drive shaft Woodruff key is cut, or broken coupling bakelite drive plate, fuel pump drive gear or chain broken, so that the fuel pump can not drive; piston and cylinder diesel engine stuck, or crank journal and bearing bite dead, so that the diesel engine crankshaft can not rotate.

Transmission in neutral, with shaking handle crank crank, if not turn, indicating the piston and the cylinder stuck or crank journal and bearing seizure. If the crankshaft can rotate, indicating that the failure was caused by the fuel pump does not work, you should check the coupling bakelite drive plate is intact. If the drive plate intact, and abnormal sound heard when a fault occurs, that failure is the drive shaft from damage caused by the fuel pump semicircle keys.

4, Cummins Diesel slow flame.

The substance supply failure is gradually reduced, and finally self-interruption, resulting flameout. Main reasons: diesel fuel tank has been exhausted; fuel tank air vent plug, so that a negative pressure tank; fuel pump or fuel pump stopped working; oil plug; low or high pressure oil line is not sealed, the diesel engine into the air at work; flameout lever (or button) is misuse.

Xiaobian Summary

Above Cummins diesel engine stall for four cases and the main reason, we can be one investigation, until you find the flameout reason, if you can not solve, contact Shantui new impetus service department, we will be the first time for you guidance and maintenance.

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